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Trip Report

2 weeks in Belgium

Delicious food, great peoples, so many incredible beers and a lot of historical buildings

  • Bruges+ 4
  • Brussels
  • Brussels
  • 2 weeks in Belgium
aurelie's trip
About Me:I am a 23 years-old belgian girl. I have been living and studying in Brussels. I am passionate about sciences and nature so I decided to study bioengineering. I like meeting new people , go to new places, have fun and enjoy life. I like v... read more

EuropeBelgium12 days / June 2018

Highs & Lows

Fries, chocolate and BEERS!

The rainy weather

Itinerary Overview


  • 4 Nights: Brussels
    The beers and the Grand-Place (which is considered by Victor Hugo to be the most beautiful in the world)
  • 4 Nights: Bruges
    beautiful cities (little Venise)
  • 4 Nights: Waterloo
    history of Belgium
Brussels - The beers and the Grand-Place (which is considered by Victor Hugo to be the most beautiful in the world)

Brussels The beers and the Grand-Place (which is considered by Victor Hugo to be the most beautiful in the world)

Brussels - The beers and the Grand-Place (which is considered by Victor Hugo to be the most beautiful in the world) - null
Brussels - The beers and the Grand-Place (which is considered by Victor Hugo to be the most beautiful in the world) - null
Brussels - The beers and the Grand-Place (which is considered by Victor Hugo to be the most beautiful in the world) - null1+

When you arrive in Belgium, you obviously start with its capital: Brussels. This city allows so many things: At nightfall, marvel at the fabulous illuminated decor of the famous Grand-Place. Stroll through the elegant Saint-Hubert Galleries, the oldest shopping malls in Europe. Wonder before the Atonium : Representation of the elementary mesh of the iron crystal, created for the 1958 World Fair. 

Discover the local beers.

Go out of the city center to discover the last Art Nouveau facades. You can eat your picnic on "Parc du CInquentaire". Discover the poetic and pictorial universe of René Magritte. Taste a casserole of mussels and French fries...Related: Foodie Trips

Bruges - beautiful cities (little Venise)

Bruges beautiful cities (little Venise)

Bruges - beautiful cities (little Venise) - null
Bruges - beautiful cities (little Venise) - null
Bruges - beautiful cities (little Venise) - null

Then you have to visit the north cities of Bruges and Ghent. Bruges is considered the "Venice of the North". Its cobbled streets, stone monuments and the various canals that pass through the city center make it a particularly romantic city. It is very pleasant to go for a walk, a boat ride or a bike ride. Especially since the city center is closed to cars. Also very pleasant: enjoy the city by taking a carriage ride! Not to be missed in this pretty Flemish city: its historic center classified by UNESCO, The Basilica of the Holy Blood, The Palace of the Franc of Bruges, The Saint-Sauveur cathedral. Less known than Bruges... Ghent is nevertheless a charming city that certainly allows a trip back in time! Also seen as another "Venice of the North", this medieval city is a wonderful place to spend a weekend, far from the tourist crowd of Bruges. A visit to the castle of the Counts, an impressive medieval fortress, is a must. There is a lot of entertainment on offer, which makes the city very lively and enjoyable for a weekend.

Waterloo - history of Belgium

Waterloo history of Belgium

Belgium is the country of beer par excellence. Moreover, out of 12 Trappist abbeys in the world, 6 are in Belgium: Chimay, Orval, Rochefort, Westmalle, Westvleteren and Achel. But the Belgian brewing world does not stop there! It is in this country that you will find the largest variety of beers in the world. And that's why after visiting the capital and the beautiful Flemish cities, it is time to go down to Wallonia to have a tour of some oh those breweries (Orval, Rochefort, Chimay). Related: 5 Cheese and Wine Destinations

But Wallonia has also places with a strong historical past. Like the mining past in Charleroi. What a fabulous experience to visit one of these mines! Or Waterloo... Symbol of the place where France was defeated! By climbing the Butte du Lion, the vision can be extended over the whole area that served as a terrible battlefield. The wax museum, at the foot of the Butte, offers very realistic scenes of the main actors of this battle.

Q & A

  • What would you have changed?

    More time to spend in bars
  • Anything go wrong during the trip?

    Too much rain

  • Restaurant recommendations?

    So many to choose from. My best advice would be to follow the crowd of the local people. 

  • Tips you would give a friend?

    Try as many beers you can

  • Packing tips?

    Pack a raincoat

  • Transportation Tips?

    The public transports works great
